General Purpose
The general purpose of the Chi-Town Mustang Club as a nonprofit society and hereinafter called CTMC shall be to preserve and maintain Ford Mustang motor cars starting with the initial models manufactured in calendar year 1964, up to and including current models and to promote postitive automotive, social and community service activities.

The Chi-Town Mustag Club (CTMC) is a Chicagoland area social club of owners of Ford Mustangs manufactured from 1965 to present. CTMC was founded in 1995 and draws its membership from the City of Chicago and the surrounding suburbs.
The club enjoys cruises almost every weekend during the summer to different destinations, picnics and fundraisers for our charities. CTMC's charities include traffic control for the Annual Chicagoland Toys for Tots Motorcycle Parade and toy and food drive for Excellent Way homeless shelter for women and children each Christmas.
The Mustangers attend and participate in many events like All Ford Powered shows and races, car shows in Illinois and neighboring states, and drag racing events at National Hot Rod Association sanctioned drag strips, etc. The Chi-Town Mustang Club is a non-profit organization registered with the State of Illinois.
Making Unified Steps To A Needed Generation
"Quality means doing it right when no one else is looking." - Henry Ford